16 April 2015Watch out for new driver distraction: Smart watches and drivingRoad safety authorities have warned that new smart watches have the potential to distract drivers just as much as mobile
9 April 2015Pedestrian sues driver for blameless motor accidentA pedestrian sued a driver in negligence for injuring her foot as she tried to cross a road. She also
18 March 2015Proceedings Commence Despite Expiry of Limitation PeriodA police officer was granted leave to commence proceedings for modified common law damages for a work-related injury despite the
17 March 2015Judicial Review Supports Medical Assessor’s FindingsA judicial review supported an assessment of permanent impairment made by an independent medical assessor in a claim for motor
15 March 2015Pool Builder Not Liable For Independent Contractor’s NegligenceConcrete pumpers were found to be negligent in a case where a worker suffered brain injury at a construction site,
11 March 2015Old Injury Linked To New In Workers Compensation ClaimA cleaner who fell and injured herself at home was entitled to claim workers compensation because the new injury was
9 February 2015Why a Metre Matters for Cycling Safety: Safe Passing Distance LawsMomentum is growing across Australian states to introduce a mandatory minimum one metre distance overtaking bicycles to help improve cycling
5 February 2015Is it Time for Uniform Motorcycle Lane Filtering Laws?Motorcycle lane filtering is now legal in New South Wales and Queensland, but that’s not the case around the rest
4 February 2015Are We There Yet? Tracking the Pacific Highway UpgradeThe Pacific Highway upgrade is a significant project that will provide improved road safety and reduced travel times in NSW.
22 January 2015NSW Bike Laws Aim to Reduce Bicycle AccidentsIn NSW, bikes are considered a vehicle and so cyclists are required to obey the road rules like other road